My trip to The Grand Canyon by way of Saline Valley

My first stop was Virginia City. Had to spend an extra day there to wait for the stores to be open on Monday.(the regulator went out on my stove).

Stoped to see the rail road museum. They have lots of stuff other than trains.

Good looking hand operated turn table. They plan on laying track to the nearest town and having a train ride open soon.

A wind generator

Taken from the over look at Mono lake.

This is my camp at Saline Valley.

A look to the west from camp.

Closer look at the canyon i want to hike into.

Another look at the canyon. About 2.67mi from here.

I started hiking up the canyon. Hot and no wind.

Up in the canyon their is lots of brush.

A view out of the canyon.

Their turned out to be a lot of water in the canyon, including this water fall

Another view of the water

A good water fall lower down the same wall.

A bob cat skull i found on the way.

Some interesting looking sand between camp and the sand duns

Lots of sand just like a desert should be.

I found this formation on the way back to camp from the canyon

They fly all over the this place, very loud. They do stop at sun set.

This is the view looking towards the hot spring.

Looking north from my camp.

Some interesting dry mud

Another spot of dry mud

I saw this spider in the road and put my camera case next to it for size.

A closeup of the same spider.

I stopped at a little town to take pictures of this train

Another view of the train

This is the info on the train.

I stopped at a site where the Japanese were kept during WWII. This is the cemetery

This is one of the graves

This is the guard station at the entrance.

I took some of the old rout 66. This crater was on a section of that road.

Another look at the crater.

A view towards a ghost town from the over look.

A look at the parking lot. I was the only visitor.

This is the sign at the entrance.

My next stop was Mitchell cave. The tour goes in the right hole.

This is the trail to the cave.

View inside the cave.

Another view

More inside the cave.

Sun rise the next morning.

this is the view from there.

I then went to Hole in the wall. I took the trail around this mesa.

These Petroglyphs were on the walk.

Another view of the Petroglyphs.

A good look at the side. This mesa is pumas, and erodes in unique patterns.


more Cactus

another Cactus

The next mesa

the other side of the mesa

closeup of this side

a look along a wall

this is between the two mesas

The way out was to climb two sets of these.

A look from the top of the first set.

Top of second set

A hole in the wall

Another hole

After spending the night in Kingman i went to Oatman.

And yes they have wild burrows in town.

An old building

The old hotel

Nice old town with board walks

A look east on the way back out from Oatman on rout 66.

Another small town on rout 66, They have their own Burma Shave signs.

The county put them up all along the highway to this town.

Get Your Fix

See Our Museum

On Rout 66

Burma Shave

The shoot out before the train ride to the Grand Canyon.

They put on a good show.

This is one of their old steam trains. They are restoring one to use again.

First deer at the Canyon.

I found a spot on the edge and sat and read, and smoked a cigar. This was the view.

Another view

looking from the same spot.

A different angle

Still the same place

This is more of the shelf below me.

Buildings on the side of the canyon

Burros on there way up

I think this is a power house. The rocks stick out from the sides a long way.

A close up of one of there guns during the robbery.

Dinosaur tracks not far from Tuba city

View to the west from the tracks

View to the north from the tracks







the sign at the site of the Petroglyphs

The view of red rim from the south side

This is on the road heading west to the north rim road.

looking north from a view point north or the north rim road, just before it looses altitude.

Looking east from the same spot

Looking west from the same spot

Yet another view

Stopped on the pass for lunch

The mountains above Lyman caves

This steam powered well drilling rig was at a museum i stopped at.

Another look at the drill

This old bike was at the same museum

Bones found in a cave in the area

my last stop was at Hickman petroglyphs state park where i spent the night as the only gust.

petroglyphs at Hickman

more petroglyphs

and still more petroglyphs

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